The specimen is halite (salt crystals) from Mt. Gunson, Australia.
The image below was taken under a long wave ultraviolet light. The naturally clear to light green mineral is reflecting the long wave light giving it a purple appearance.
The first image was taken under a short wave light. There is a strong orange fluorescence to the piece.
To see what halite from this area looks like under normal light, go back to the main fluorescent page and click on the view specimen material from Australia link.
This specimen has been sold! It was offered at $80.00.
Quantity in Basket:
Code: AUS-101
Price: $0.00
Shipping Weight: 0.79 pounds
Location: Mt. Gunson, Australia
Minerals: Halite
Size: 4-1/2" x 3" x 2"
This specimen has been sold!