This Orthoceras - nautiloid specimen is from Morocco. It's name means straight horn and it is the ancestor of our current day squid and cuttle fish. The animal lived in the last and largest section of the shell. As it grew it walled off the previous section of the shell. Each section of the shell is connected by a tube called a siphuncle. This tube allowed the sections to be filled with water or air to allow it to raise and lower itself in the water, The walls of the chambers are called septa. Orthoceras was a hunter and likely ate anything it could catch.
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mullusca, Class: Cephalapoda, Order: Orthocerida, Family: Orthoceratidae, Genus: Orthoceras.
Orthoceras - fossil nautiloid
Quantity in Basket:
Code: FN-107
Price: $4.00
Shipping Weight: 0.67 pounds
Time: Devonian, approximately 395-360 million years ago. Location: Morocco, Africa.Dimensions: 2-1/2" x 3/4"