Mucrospirifer mucronata can be a fairly large brachiopod which reaches its maximum width along the hinge line. The apex or umbo of the pedicle valve contains a small hole through which the pedicle extends so the brachiopod may attach to the sea floor.
They lived during the Devonian period (400-360 million years ago).
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Brachiopoda, Order: Spiriferida, Family: Mucriospiriferida, Genus: Mucrospirifer, Species: mucronata.
Mucrospirifer mucronata
Quantity in Basket:
Code: CBM-104
Price: $3.00
Shipping Weight: 0.48 pounds
Time: Devonian, approximately 400-360 million years ago. Location: China Dimensions: 2-1/8" x 1-1/4" x 7/8"