Be sure to keep an eye on our ever expanding fossil section.  Most categories will be shown below, but occasionally we

forget to add them.  In any case they will be shown below or included on the side bar.  Since some of our fossils are

fluorescent, be sure to check out the fluorescent section for fluorescent fossils.  Currently our fluorescent fossils are

coming from Florida, South Dakota and Utah.  If a fossil is found under both sections, we will let you know in the

discussion for that specimen.   We added the other fossils page to the site, in 2009, which includes cutting rough and

bulk fossils (which we also use in our fossil sets).  We have a few slabs of wood, mostly Araucaria species from

Arizona.  We also have a few bookends made of fossil tree fern from the border between Paraguay, Uraguay, and Brazil. 

New items will be added as we are able to obtain them.

        Our fossil sets are used by colleges for course study and by individuals interested in learning about fossils. They can be

found in museum and other gift shops. Grade school teachers and home school parents like the sets that include the

colored time chart and "An Introduction to Fossils" booklet. We currently have four different size sets. We have 12 piece,

25 piece, 50 piece, and 75 piece fossil sets. All fossil sets can be purchased with or without the colored time chart and

"An Introduction to Fossils" booklet.